Do you like working with wood, but lack theoretical training? Then there is our basic course. It won't turn you into a joiner or carpenter in a few weeks, but you will definitely understand the basics and if you have specific questions, our lecturer has enough experience to help you solve them.

DEPO2015 Creative Zone
TERMS: 14. 2. – 18. 4. 2025
TIME: Friday 17:00-20:00
PLACE: Craft studio DEPO2015
CAPACITY: 6 adult participants / last available place
PRICE: NOK 4,500 / NOK 150 for 1 hour of the course / payable once in advance
RANGE:30 hours
If you want to purchase the course as a gift, we need to send a pre-filled participant application form (name, participant contact) and the contact of the person who will pay for the course. We will send you a tax voucher without the stated amount in PDF format for printing by e-mail and payment documents 14 days before the start of the course. Communication regarding the start and progress of the course will be directed to the participant himself.
To download below, send the completed and signed application to, as soon as we have enough interested parties, we will send more information and payment instructions.
If no free date is currently listed, send us your contact, we will contact you as soon as a new date is ready.
You will get to know the basic procedures for working with wood using hand or battery-powered tools. In addition to the necessary theory, you will make several simple projects: a board or house sign, a bird feeder, a carved spoon, a small free sculpture, a stool, a picture frame, a crate, a wooden toy, a mute servant.
To download below, send the completed and signed application to, then we will send further information and payment instructions.
If you want to purchase the course as a gift, we need to send a pre-filled participant application form (name, participant contact) and the contact of the person who will pay for the course. We will send you a tax voucher without the stated amount in PDF format for printing by e-mail and payment documents 14 days before the start of the course. Communication regarding the start and progress of the course will be directed to the participant himself.
Ivana Mertlová
+420 731 958 180