From April to June 2022, together with our Bavarian partner Centrum Bavaria Bohemia, we implemented the REST:ART project, which was supported by the Cíl EUC fund through the Dispositional Fund of the Euroregion Sumava Southwestern Bohemia.
The purpose of this cross-border project was to restore former Czech-Bavarian contacts and cooperation, which had been significantly limited in the last two years, and to create new partnerships.
During three months, five meetings were held on four topics:
April 8, 2022, Pilsen, DEPO2015
The first meeting took place at DEPO2015 and was aimed at representatives of music groups and organizers of smaller/local music festivals. The topics of the three expert lectures were PR of bands and festivals, effective communication of bands with dramaturgs and festival promoters, and an overview of smaller music festivals in the Czech-Bavarian border region. During the evening, contacts were established between bands and music associations and festivals from both sides of the border. The Pilsen band St. Johnny
April 28, 2022, Schönsee, Center Bavaria Bohemia
The second meeting aimed to connect independent visual artists and curators/managers of galleries or other exhibition spaces. Within three expert lectures, the possibilities of artists to get their artwork into galleries or other (alternative) exhibition spaces were discussed. At the same time, old and new contacts between artists from both sides of the border were renewed. The Pilsen band Vibestones played on the evening program.
June 2, 2022, Pilsen, Raven Brewery and DEPO2015
We dedicated two meetings to the topic of small and craft brewing, the first of which was held in Pilsen; the afternoon part in the premises of the small Raven brewery and its tours, the early evening and evening part with lectures took place in DEPO2015. Expert contributions were devoted to the branding of small breweries, working with journalists and organizing cultural events by the brewery. In the evening, the Rokycan band Prázdné lahve played in the Ústředna cafe in DEPO2015.
June 12, 2022, Pilsen, embankment on Radbuza
The meeting of Bavarian and Czech swing dancers and instructors took place on a hot Sunday in June on the recently opened Plzeň embankment on the Radbuza. During the afternoon, four workshops were held by four lecturers (3 from Bavaria and 1 from the Czech Republic) of swing dances lindy-hop, balboa, shag and boogie-woogie. In the evening part of the program, the Swing Devils musical group played at the swing dance hall at the same place. The interest in this event was very high - over 40 dancers from both countries took part in it.
June 23, 2022, Nittenau, Brauerei Jakob
The last meeting within the project, and at the same time the second one dedicated to small brewing, was held in Nittenau, Bavaria. The first expert contribution was made by the brewery's brewer Jakob, others took place in the Brauereigasthof on the topics of branding, visuals and trends in this field.