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DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? AVAILABLE POSITIONS Tlačítko AVAILABLE POSITIONS Tlačítko VOLUNTEERS
- DEPO2015 | Festivaly | Umělecké výstavy | Kavárna | Presslova 14, Plzeň, Česko
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? RECONSTRUCTION TICKET SALES AT THE RECEPTION: MON-FRI 7:30 AM-3 PM DEPO2015 - PROGRAM Button BLIK BLIK Tlačítko BRUSTOK PLZEŇ 2025 – OPEN UP! Button DEPO STREET FOOD MAR... Tlačítko We are a space full of culture and entrepreneurial ideas DEPO2015 is a lively space where culture and business connect. It was created in 2015, when Pilsen was the European Capital of Culture. Since then, we have been combining innovative thinking, new and traditional technologies, creative spirit and love for culture. ÚSTŘEDNA CAFE THE MARKET RENTALS An original bistro with a cafe, a designer market with products from local creators or non-traditional industrial spaces for your events. That too is DEPO2015! DEPO EVENTS FESTIVALS Tlačítko GASTRONOMY Tlačítko INTERACTIVE AND FAMILY EXPOSITIONS Tlačítko ESCAPE AND TRACKING GAMES Tlačítko ART EXHIBITIONS Tlačítko WORKSHOPS Tlačítko PROJECTS Tlačítko PROGRAM 2025 Button CONTACT US DEPO2015 reception (info about the program, tickets and operation) +420 702 019 508 The entire DEPO2015 grounds are barrier-free, except for the Step by Step studio and some office spaces. The reception will provide you with more detailed information. Official news regarding current events in Pilsen can be found on the current news from Pilsen . OPENING HOURS RECEPTION Mon - Fri 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m CAFE Po - Pá 10:00–18:00 THE MARKET Stores closed for renovation FOLLOW US SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSLETTER Log in Thank you for the Registration! WHERE TO FIND US
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? INDUSTRIAL TRAIL The industrial trail following the historical attractions of the former sugar factory or tram depot and the current DEPO2015 area was opened for visitors before the end of last year. However, it is now presented in a new illustrated coat and also with new game elements, which will make it attractive especially for families with children. The format of marked stops is preserved from the original trail, where visitors can use a QR code to play short videos about the given place. The guide in the videos is always a historical figure closely related to the given location. Visitors can thus meet, among others, the engineer Smola, František Křižík, the builder Farkač and many other personalities associated with the industrial heritage of the city of Pilsen. The novelty that the trail brings is a tracking game intended for young and old interested in industrial history. The story begins with a time machine that transports visitors to the past. In order for everyone to return safely to the present, they must go through all the stops, solve the puzzles, find the second time machine and start it. At each stop, the visitor will be asked a question, to answer which he will have to examine the nearby surroundings in detail. "The industrial trail is currently one of the many opportunities to visit DEPO2015. Our goal was therefore to expand it to include activities for small visitors and to make the entire area even more accessible. We want to make visitors raise their heads during the industrial walk, look around, search for architecture and notice details," says DEPO2015 program director Jan Štěpán about the project. 1/5/2023 – no restrictions PRESSLOVA 14, PLZEN DEPO2015 Creative Zone FREE ENTRY MORE ABOUT THE INDUSTRIAL TRAIL A map of the area, which can be taken from the feeder right at the start of the trail, will help visitors find the individual stations with puzzles. The map also serves as a worksheet for writing down answers. If someone is not sure of the solution after all, they don't need to hang their heads, because they can find the right answers in the help. However, these are redeemed by physical activity. If the visitor really performs it, it depends only on his conscience. The one who manages to decipher everything correctly and finds the time machine will be rewarded with the opportunity to start it and thus enjoy a return to the present in the form of a light and sound installation. In addition to the employees of DEPO2015, the creator of escape games, an illustrator and a scenographer participated in the development of the tracking game. "We hope that we managed to prepare a fun, smart and visually interesting walk through the industrial history and actually the present of the DEPO2015 area," adds Štěpán. The entire industrial trail takes place in the outdoor areas of the DEPO2015 complex and is therefore accessible daily, even during government-ordered measures. All you need for this is a map with a pencil that you can take to the start, a smart phone with mobile data to read QR codes if you want to watch videos mapping the history of the area, and then just the courage to go into the past and look for a way back. The Industrial Trail in DEPO2015 was created with the support of the Pilsen Region. ADMISSION Entrance FREE Open every day Language variants of the tracker: English, German
- CO.CON 2019 | DEPO2015
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? CO.CON 2019 CO.CON is a multi-genre festival focusing mainly on 4 themes, mostly related to SCI-FI and FANTASY themes: PC games, comics, cosplay and board and card games. The pilot year of this festival took place in 2019. She got the biggest space at the festival PC game room , allowing participation in the tournament for prizes. She introduced, for example, old schoolDoom in unconventional multiplayer,historic arcade game room with 8 machines , some even 50 years old, orvirtual reality on several surfaces. The game is also worth mentioningTrackmania , which was shown on a wide-angle projection made up of about 3 projectors, thus giving the player the feeling of a truly endless horizon. Of course, practical demonstrations were accompanied by lectures by people from the field, e.g.Tomas Duchek (concept artist of the gameKingdom Come ) - who, among other things, led idigital painting workshop , orPavel Dobrovsky (magazine editorLevel ). They also appeared at the festivalstudent plays from ZCU. Another topic wascomics , accompanied by an already ongoing exhibition in the cafe. Those interested could attend lectures by a number of authors, often winners of the Muriel comics prize, e.g.Marek Pokorný (Saint Barbara),Marek Rubec (Jarmil, Fugitives) or the chairmanCzech Academy of Comics Pavel Kořínek , which revived the pre-war comic book characterdog Punti . Among the student lectures, the performance is worth mentioningLucie Dynterová , which createddigital interactive comic (Art Factory), which could be played during the day. As part of the comic, there was also a workshop withMaria Kohoutova dept. asst. from the studioComics and illustrations for children to localSutnarce . An integral part was alsoCOSPLAY subculture where we were visited, for example, by characters fromSTAR WARS, 501 Legion, which actively deals with this topic and charitable activity. The post-apocalyptic cars from the upcoming movie have also arrivedTrash Town , which deals with the theme of interpersonal relationships in a devastated world. It was possible to rest at one ofboard games or perhaps join a tournament inBang . Another possibility was to try to make and paint a character for very special boardsWARGAMING , taking place on two large tables, full of environment models. The central part of the large bus hall was dedicatedmarket place , where visitors could buy everything from the 4 categories and could also meet some of the authors and have their books and comics signed. For example, he arrivedI author of legendaryCzech history scum!!! The festival also brought a lot of accompanying activities such as escape game Coupe 42 ,exhibition of lenticular paintings, projection of FAMU short films with science fiction and other topics and finallyafterparty with DJs and spatial video mapping on several canvases. MORE PHOTOS HERE 23/03/2019 – 24/03/2019 PRESSLOVA 14, PLZEN DEPO2015 Creative Zone FREE ENTRY TO THE AREA / PAID WORKSHOPS, LECTURES, GAMES OTHER YEARS: Tlačítko CO.CON 2023
- Brigádníci | DEPO2015
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? BARMAID In DEPO2015, we operate a cafe and bistro, the Ústředna DEPO, in our own operation! We are creating a new concept - building on the atmosphere with which our DEPO has long been associated (festivals, exhibitions, fairs, food markets and crafts). The entire DEPO2015 program is connected to the Ústředna DEPO café with delicious cakes, coffee and beer on tap. Did it interest you? Do you want to become a member of the party that creates the image of the cafe in DEPO2015? Maybe we are looking for you! Who are we looking for? • Someone with at least 2 years of experience on the set or behind the bar • A person who knows how to make great coffee can pour beer and prepare a drink • An enthusiast who enjoys working behind the bar and will take care of our customers • An employee who will take care of the cafe, bistro and all its components • A colleague who is hardworking, reliable, independent and a team player • A barista course and knowledge of coffee preparation and latte art is an advantage What we offer? • Main employment relationship with a view to an indefinite period • Fair contract with full payment on tape • Additional financial bonuses based on results • Working hours Mon – Sun (work week X week off) • 5 weeks of vacation • Non-stereotypical workload in the creative environment of DEPO2015 – various types of events • Benefits in the form of free admission to cultural events • Meals at the workplace • Application of own creativity • Stable company background • Space for further education Employer: Pilsen 2015, registered institute Presslova 2292/14 301 00 Pilsen ID number: 29109124 Arrival: by agreement Send your resume . By sending your CV, you agree to the processing and storage of your personal data for the purposes of this selection process. More information on the processing of personal dataHERE
- SEKTIVAL 2024 | DEPO2015
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? SECTIVAL 2024 On Saturday, May 13, a relaxing day like something cut from the streets of Mediterranean towns awaited you in the courtyard of DEPO2015. The festival of sparkling wines and selected gastronomy Sektival treated visitors to a parade of bubbles from all over the world combined with selected gastronomy and musical accompaniment. FESTIVAL OFFER: show of sparkling wines sea food and Mediterranean cuisine accompanying program WHEN? Saturday, May 13, 2023 WHAT TIME? 11:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m IN INA Bohemia sekt | Mionetto | FREIXENET INPUT Entry to the event is free, for wine tasting you need to buy a glass worth 100 CZK, which will remain as a souvenir. PARKING In areaslu DEP In O2015, you can park for free all day. 15/06/2024 Saturday 11:00-22:00 PRESSLOVA 14, PLZEN DEPO2015 Creative Zone FREE ENTRY
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? ART EXHIBITIONS Tlačítko HÁČKOVANÁ VĚŽ Tlačítko AUTOPARK
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? CRAFTSMAN SUBURBAN CAMP 2024 A week full of craft activities and creations from various materials took place again under the outdoor tent in the courtyard of DEPO2015. The children got to know basic tools and materials, and could try different techniques for working with wood, metal or recycled materials as part of their own project. At the end of the week, each participant had completed one original project, the implementation of which was advised by a team of our experienced lecturers. Please discuss the intention to participate in the craft camp with your children, because it is not always the case that what the parent finds interesting, the child also finds interesting. Thank you! If you are interested in participating in the camp in the summer of 2024, please send us a completed, signed application form including all consents. We will then send payment instructions. CRAFT CAMP 2024 CONTACT: Ivana Mertlová +420 731 958 180 MORE PHOTOS HERE 10/07/2023 – 14/07/2023 PRESSLOVA 14, PLZEN DEPO2015 Creative Zone REGISTRATION CLOSED In case of problems with sending the application, write to INFORMATION CRAFT CAMP 2023 FOR CHILDREN AGED 9 — 14 YEARS DATE: July 8 - 12, 2024 TIME: daily 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., presence of children possible 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. PLACE: DEPO2015 CAPACITY: 16 children PRICE: application by 31 March / 3,700 NOK (second sibling for 3,200 NOK) application from 1 April / 3,900 NOK (second sibling for 3,400 NOK) The price includes materials, lunches, before and after snacks and drinks for the whole day. Activities: Working with hand tools and simple battery-powered tools, processing various materials (wood, metal, plastic). The implementation will take place individually with the help of lecturers, from the creation of your own sketch to the implementation of selected materials using a suitable technique. LECTURERS Father and son Miroslav Hora and Kryštof Kunc will again be lecturers in 2024. Miroslav Hora A lifelong art teacher who has still not lost the desire to pass on his experience and skills. In combination with patience and a cheerful mind, ideal prerequisites. Miroslav is currently leading the Basics of woodworking courses for adults at DEPO2015. Kryštof Kunc A lecturer of many seemingly unrelated professions, creative technical thinking and great creative ideas. Kryštof has many years of experience teaching children's camps in Domaslav, skillful hands and a cheerful disposition, so it will be a pleasure to meet him. WHAT AWAITS YOU THIS YEAR? You design your puppet hero You will prepare the body - the wooden base You make the head and limbs and assemble the puppet You will paint, decorate and dress the marionette You attach guiding strings or handles and breathe life into the puppet And you will play a play!
- CO.CON | DEPO2015
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? CO. CON The largest sci-fi and fantasy festival in the west of Bohemia brings fans of these genres an environment full of board and PC games, Cosplay, WarGames, arcade games, film and serial culture, retro games and racing simulators, virtual reality, robots, comic book heroes, sales stands, interesting guests and especially great experiences - All this in the creative and cultural zone DEPO2015 in Pilsen. MORE PHOTOS HERE UPCOMING: 14/6/2025 PRESSLOVA 14, PLZEN DEPO2015 Creative Zone ADMISSIONS SOON PAST YEARS: Tlačítko CO.CON 2023 Tlačítko CO.CON 2019 PROGRAM DIRECTOR Jan Stepan +420 725 896 182 RESIDENCE DEPO2015 Presslova 14 Pilsen / 301 00 PRODUCTION Ricardo Delfino +420 739 430 552
- KON---TAKT | DEPO2015
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? CON --- TACT The popular Czech-Bavarian Days, which have been held in Pilsen since 2015 in connection with the European Capital of Culture and took place in the years 2017-2019 as part of the Czech-Bavarian cultural platform under the Treffpunkt brand, continue under the new name kultur | contact | creative Artist residencies | Festivals | Meeting | Symposium Pilsen and Regensburg are traditionally close to each other. The "culture | contact | creative" project is a continuation of the Czech-Bavarian platform, which you know mainly thanks to the festival's Treffpunkts. We are now adding exchanges of young artists to them. They will be given the opportunity to create abroad for several weeks and present their works to you at festivals in the spring in Pilsen and in the fall in Regensburg. A total of 10 residencies will take place each year on both sides of the border, 4 festivals and 1 final symposium await us. Cross-border project of cultures | contact | creative from July 2019 to December 2021 is implemented by Pilsen 2015, the city of Regensburg and the Bavaria Bohemia Center. It is financed by means from the EU - Objective of the EUC 2014-2020. You can find more information about the project at Follow the news on facebook !
- GDPR | DEPO2015
INFORMATION FOR PROCESSING PERSONAL DATA A non-profit organization Pilsen 2015, registered institute, ID: 29109124, with registered office at Presslova 2992/14, 301 00 Pilsen, registered in the register of institutes kept by the Regional Court in Pilsen, in section U, file 78 (hereinafter referred to as the "administrator" or "Pilsen 2015") hereby informs the natural persons whose personal data are to be processed in any way as part of the administrator's activities (hereinafter referred to as the "data subject") in the sense of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data) (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation"), on principles and rules, which Plzeň 2015 unconditionally observes when processing personal data (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy"). POLICY OF PLZN 2015 FOR THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA: As part of its activities, Pilsen 2015 needs or has a serious interest in processing the personal data of various natural persons, especially its (and potential) business partners, tenants, members of Coworking or Makerspace open workshops, visitors to the creative center DEPO2015 or events organized by Pilsen 2015, course participants , workshops and other events organized by Pilsen 2015, those interested in information about the program held at DEPO2015, etc. Pilsen 2015 has undertaken to process all personal data fairly, transparently and fundamentally with respect and regard for the rights of all affected persons. Plzeň 2015, in accordance with the above commitment, will in each individual case ensure that the processing of personal data takes place in accordance with the following principles: The principle of legality, transparency and correctness – processing takes place on the basis of proper authorization, openly and with full respect for the rights of data subjects; The principle of purpose limitation – processing takes place only for specific, explicitly expressed and legitimate purposes; The principle of data minimization – only personal data necessary to ensure the specified purpose can be processed; Principle of accuracy – only personal data is processed that is accurate and updated according to processing needs; Principle of storage limitation – personal data are processed only for the time necessary to ensure the specified purpose; The principle of integrity and confidentiality - during processing, proper security of personal data is ensured, especially against their unauthorized or illegal processing and against accidental or unauthorized loss, destruction or damage. INFORMATION FOR DATA SUBJECTS In relation to each subject of rights, in each individual case, the administrator shall, through a person authorized to act on behalf of the administrator, communicate to the data subject at least the following information: The purpose of personal data processing – the administrator processes personal data exclusively in a manner that is compatible with the stated purpose of personal data processing and does not conflict with Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Regulation; we process the personal data you provide us strictly for purposes related to ensuring the operation and program content of DEPO2015. Scope of processed personal data – the administrator processes personal data only to the extent necessary in relation to the stated purpose for which the data is processed. In the event that we have obtained your personal data from you or on the basis of our personal contact (business meeting, participation in an event organized by Pilsen 2015, etc.), or our own search activity, we process this data only to the extent that you have provided it to us provided, or in which you published them, exclusively to the extent necessary for us to be able to contact you on the basis of our legitimate interest. The period of personal data processing – the administrator processes personal data, which are processed for the stated purpose of processing, for different periods of time depending on the field of activity. What are the legal bases for the processing of personal data - if the legal basis is the administrator's legitimate interest, then more detailed information about these legitimate interests. Category of recipients of personal data and transfer of personal data - who and how will process personal data and to whom personal data may be further made available by the controller. In the individual areas of activity (copying the purposes of personal data processing), data is processed by the controller to a maximum of the following extent, for the specified period of time, based on the specified legal reasons: Marketing activities of the controller (distribution of the program newsletter, invitations to events held in DEPO2015, news and information about courses, workshops and other events of interest) - data is processed to the maximum extent: first and last name, email address, telephone number, for an unlimited period of time from the granting of consent to processing personal data (until the possible withdrawal of your consent), or 5 years from the end of the course/workshop/event you participated in and the administrator has a legitimate interest in sending marketing information to the contact details you provided as a result; due to the granting of explicit consent or the legitimate interest of the administrator (informing clients of the administrator). Negotiating the contractual relationship, its conclusion (in the form of a contract, confirmed order or accepted application for a course/workshop/open workshop),changes, additions and termination, incl. ensuring the fulfillment of rights and obligations arising from and in connection with the contractual relationship – data is processed to the maximum extent: name and surname, date of birth, social security number, ID number/TIN, telephone number, email address, bank account number, address of residence (permanent residence, delivery), in the case of a minor participating in events (camps) also information on the state of health and also the contact details of the child's legal representative, for a period of 5 years from the end of the contractual relationship (archiving for the purposes of checks, resolving complaints, claims due to defects, etc.), or 10 years, if your data is contained in accounting documents (we are VAT payers), due to the fulfillment of the contract concluded with the data subjects Bookkeeping, issuance of tax documents, settlement of claims for defects, archiving of accounting documents – data are processed to the maximum extent and for the following period: in accordance with the applicable generally binding legal regulations, in order to fulfill the legal obligations of the administrator Operation of the camera system – the data is processed to the maximum extent: a video recording capturing the appearance of a natural person captured by a camera system located in the DEPO2015 premises, for a period of: 4 days from the capture of the recording by the camera system, in order to protect the administrator's property. The administrator declares that your personal data will be made available/transferred for processing only to the relevant employees or associates of the administrator (external service providers), who are bound by the obligation to maintain the confidentiality of this data, as well as security measures, the disclosure of which would in any way endanger the security of this personal data. Personal data is made available to the mentioned persons only to the smallest extent necessary for the fulfillment of their duties. Personal data will also be made available to state administration authorities/bodies (in the case of data that these bodies process according to applicable legal regulations) and further in justified cases, they can also be made available to security forces, law enforcement authorities or courts. The administrator declares that he does not use the method of automated decision-making or profiling in the sense of Article 22 of the Regulation when processing personal data. The administrator further declares that he does not and will not transfer your personal data processed as part of his activities to third countries or any international organizations. The administrator further declares that it stores all of your personal data in electronic form on electronic repositories located exclusively in the Czech Republic or the EU. All electronic repositories are adequately secured against data leakage/misuse. Personal data stored in paper form are also sufficiently secured by the administrator against leakage/misuse (lockable offices, cabinets, organizational measures). The administrator is determined to revise the organizational and technical measures ensuring the protection of personal data of its clients at least every six months and to adopt additional security measures if necessary. RIGHTS OF THE DATA SUBJECT As a data subject, you have the right, according to applicable legal regulations, to ask us to provide you with information or to perform certain operations with personal data. You have the right to: Access to personal data – you have the right to ask us for information as to whether personal data concerning you are or are not being processed, according to Article 15 of the Regulation, i.e. in particular, a copy/extract of the personal information we keep about you and how we use it. Repair – if you believe that the information we have about you is inaccurate, you have the right to ask us to correct the inaccuracies without undue delay, and you can also request the completion of incomplete personal data in accordance with Article 16 of the Regulation. For deletion - in certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to delete personal data concerning you without undue delay, if one of the reasons listed in Article 17 of the Regulation is given (e.g. if the personal data is no longer necessary for the original purpose or if you withdraw your consent ). To restrict processing - in certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to stop using your personal data, e.g. if you believe that the personal information we store about you is not accurate or you believe that there is no need for us to use your personal information further (Art. 18 of the Regulation). Revoke the given consent at any time – if the legal basis for the processing of personal data is your consent (in principle, this is exclusively for our marketing activities), you are entitled to revoke the consent given at any time and we are obliged to delete the data; withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent granted before its withdrawal. Raise an objection – you have the right to object to the processing of personal data that we carry out due to our legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(e) or f) of the Regulation, including profiling based on these provisions pursuant to Article 21 of the Regulation). If we do not have a compelling legitimate reason for processing, we will not further process your personal data for the given purpose. For data portability – if we process your personal data electronically with your consent, you have the right to ask us to provide it to you in a machine-readable format. You also have the right to ask us to provide them to you in a machine-readable format, or to pass the data on to a third party. Not to be subject to any decision based solely on automated processing – you have the right not to be the subject of any decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which has legal effects for you or significantly affects you in a similar way according to Article 22 of the Regulation; File a complaint with the supervisory authority – the supervisory authority is the Office for Personal Data Protection, with headquarters in Plk. Sochora 727/27, ZIP Code 170 00, Prague 7. CONTACT DETAILS ON THE ADMINISTRATOR OF PERSONAL DATA All your questions, suggestions, requests for deletion, correction, withdrawal of consent or other submissions related to the processing of your personal data can be sent to the email address: You can also contact us at the address of our registered office or at the telephone numbers listed on our website Requests regarding the processing of personal data can only be submitted by you or your authorized representative. If we are unsure of the applicant's identity, we may ask you for additional information to verify your identity. Our obligation to comply with your request in some cases depends on the purpose for which we process your personal data. Some rights can only be exercised for certain processing purposes. In Pilsen on May 21, 2018 Jiří Suchánek, director
- Bavorsko-český rezidenční program 2024
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? BYCZ AiR: Bavarian-Czech residency program 2024 BYCZ AiR: CZECH-BAVARIAN ARTIST IN RESIDENCE PROGRAM 2024 International Artist ResidencySCHIESSLHAUS AiR this year he is starting a Czech-Bavarian residency program. BYCZ AiR PROGRAM 2024 is a cooperation project between the municipality of Kolnburg and the company Pilsen 2015 and is part of the INTERREG Bavaria - Czech Republic 2021-2027 program co-financed by the European Union. Artists and creative professionals from Bavaria and the Czech Republic can apply for a two-month residency at the historical monument "Schießl-Haus", located in Kolnburg in the Bavarian Forest, halfway between Munich and Prague. The four selected artists-in-residence - two artists from Germany and two artists from the Czech Republic - will receive a total honorarium of EUR 2,500, including travel and material costs, for their participation in the public and educational program. The AiR program is process-oriented: it focuses on time, space and encounter. It seeks to inspire interdisciplinary dynamics, intercultural exchange and participatory approaches. PERIOD OF RESIDENCE 1/5/2024 - 30/6/2024 Deadline for applications: 11/03/2024 WHAT WE OFFER → residential, studio and exhibition spaces → high-profile presentation and networking platforms → cross-border event and final exhibition → fee for the artist in the total amount of 2,000 EUR → a one-off travel allowance of EUR 200 → a one-off contribution to production costs in the amount of EUR 300 WHO CAN APPLY Visual artists of all disciplines and other creative fields such as film, theater, literature, architecture, sound, design and music can apply. We particularly encourage applications that pursue interdisciplinary approaches. Individuals and/or collectives born and/or residing in Bavaria and the Czech Republic can apply. There is no age limit. Applications must be submitted in German or English. Further information about the BYCZ AiR 2024 program and the application process can be found
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? ESCAPE AND HUNTING GAMES Tlačítko INDUSTRIÁLNÍ STEZKA
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? Discover the permanent shops and pop-up markets of the DEPO Market. In the wider center of Pilsen, in the heart of the industrial DEPO2015, we have created a covered city market. It combines the Pilsen countryside and life among block of flats. Come for the products of local creators, modern design and try the services of small entrepreneurs. WE ARE CURRENTLY PREPARING THE TRŽNICE DEPO FOR RECONSTRUCTION OPENING HOURS CURRENTLY CLOSED PRESSLOVA 14, PLZEN DEPO2015 Creative Zone WE ARE PREPARING THE PREMISES FOR RECONSTRUCTION pronajem LEASE We created the market for you, so we are interested in your ideas for fairs, markets and shows. Don't be afraid to contact us, we will be happy to help you. The DEPO2015 spaces are variable and you adjust them. We are currently preparing Tržnice for a long-term renovation, however, if you are interested in this space, do not hesitate to contact us and we will inform you of the most up-to-date rental options MORE ABOUT RENT Sales and event specialist Jindřich Jindřich +420 727 871 599 CONTACT US Presslova 14, Plzeň 301 00 DEPO2015 RECEPTION +420 702 019 508 EVENTS AND RENTS Jindřich Jindřich Sales and event specialist + 420 727 871 599 OPENING HOURS RECEPTION Po – Pá 10:00–18:00 CAFÉ Po – Pá 10:00–18:00 FOLLOW US ALSO INTERESTING USTREDNADEPO.CZ
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? THE KUBTORS Jakub Černý and Viktor Frič - v exhibition by students of the Faculty of Design and Art Ladislav Sutnar. Punk, shards and rust. What is a plinth and what is a statue depicting a building? The exhibition will present paintings, sculptures and works created by combining and transforming older works. You can look forward to drawings created by experimenting with light and shadow with the help of rust or objects made of shards and old broken porcelain. 05/04/2023 - no restrictions Monday - Friday 10:00 - 18:00 PRESSLOVA 14, PLZEN DEPO2015 Creative Zone FREE ENTRY
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? WORKSHOPS KPZ: Creative Driving Zone KPZ is a background for our workshops, which we can easily hitch up and take outside the DEPO. If you have an event for which you would like to use our workshops, we can go with KPZ, just remember that the workshops are staffed by a team of external lecturers, so let us know in time so that we can think of everything and arrange it in advance. We are currently preparing workshops for the Trnkova zahrada exhibition, we can also offer workshops for past exhibitions. Workshops we can: Sign hunters (18/10/2022 - 31/3/2023) - beaded bracelet with monogram, paper quill, sewn notebook Up in the clouds (March 18 - May 31, 2022) - rubber band plane, straw blowing rocket, glider for patient modelers Mysterious forest (June 20 - November 19, 2021) - lantern with led light, magic(net) wand, witch's paper hat like from Harry Potter. CONTACT: Lucie Lobotková +420 733 155 985
- WALLZ | DEPO2015
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? WALLZ 2020 The first year of the WALLZ street art festival brightened the sunny summer Pilsen even more. From August 17 to 22, 11 selected public locations became both a canvas and a stage for recognized domestic and foreign artists. Right in front of your eyes, traditional writers and subsequent authors who develop street art and graffiti in other directions conjure up their works. Remember how the first year of the successful Street Art Festival WALLZ took place: The face of the WALLZ festival is Michal Škapa aka Tron, one of the most important authors of the Czech graffiti scene. Škapa belongs to the strong generation of "writers" of the 90s, he has dozens of exhibitions and hundreds of art projects to his credit. He became a pioneer of so-called murals (huge street art paintings) in the Czech Republic. Among his most recent projects is KOSMOS at Václav Havel Airport in Prague, which became one of the largest murals in Central Europe. WALLZ will also feature 8 Czech and foreign street art artists - X-Dog, Jakub Janovský, the well-known Brno artist TIMO, Akrobad and Obras from Pilsen, as well as Ruin and Skirl - famous creators from Austria or successful Zbiok from Poland. Colorful street art performances will be complemented by an equally varied accompanying program. You can look forward to a graffiti jam or a street art workshop for children. The entire festival will end with the opening of a joint exhibition of all participating artists at DEPO2015 with DJs and dancers on 22 August from 18:00. ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM Wednesday 19/8/2020 from 18:00 – Graffiti jam – Malostranská retaining wall Saturday 22/08/2020 from 16:00 - Graffiti workshop for children - DEPO2015 Saturday 22/08/2020 from 18:00 - Final WALLZ opening and afterparty - DEPO2015 Follow the news in the event at Facebook ! You can find the photo gallery from this year's WALLZ HERE . 17/06/2023 – 23/06/2023 PILSEN FREE ENTRY
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? ABOUT GARDEN 2023 The second year of the O zahradě weekend will focus on the theme of water and practical skills. The program will offer lectures and presentations divided into a thematic Saturday and a practical Sunday. He will introduce the topic with the first lecture How we (can't) do it with water hydrobiologist RNDr. Jindřich Duras, Ph.D., then we will focus in more detail on different views of water in the garden. It will be about rain beds, implementation of ponds, permaculture view of water or electronic systems for controlled irrigation. Sunday's presentation will focus on practical skills. You will learn how to grow micro-greens, how to care for trees by pruning, what to follow when choosing seeds, what elements a natural garden consists of, or how to design a garden so that it blooms all year round. 22/04/2023 – 23/04/2023 Saturday Sunday 14:00 - 18:00 PRESSLOVA 14, PLZEN DEPO2015 Creative Zone TICKETS FOR PURCHASE ONLINE Button SATURDAY 22.4.2023 LECTURES / NOK 90 for a single lecture or NOK 450 for the whole Saturday 10:00–11:00 – Lecture – How we can (not) do it with water – RNDr. Jindřich Duras, Ph.D. 11:00–12:00 – Lecture – Water in permaculture – Ing. Jana Kotoučková (Jihlava Ecoinfo Center) 13:00–14:00 – Lecture – Paths of water in the garden – Ing. Tereza Antošová (Perenniculum) 14:00–15:00 – Lecture – Creation of a garden pond – Ing. Vladimír Tomeš (Koipro) 15:00–16:00 – Lecture – Garden automation or the end of sprinkler watering – Ing. Tomáš Čechura 16:00-17:00 - Lecture - How does the cut flower market work? – Jolana Teuberová WORKSHOPS 10:00–17:00 – Children's gardening workshop From a seed in PěstírněDEPO / contribution to materials 50,- 13:00–15:00 – Workshop – Untraditional natural bouquet with Milena Vladyková – Ing. Milena Vladyková (Flowers from Kokšín) / 200,- SUNDAY 23/4/2023 LECTURES / NOK 90 for a single lecture or NOK 450 for the whole Sunday 10:00–11:00 – Lecture – Microgreens – Alena Lehmanová 11:00–12:00 – Lecture – How to start sowing seeds? – Klára Hrdá 13:00–14:00 – Lecture – Fruit trees – about proper care or what to cut – Jan Papež 14:00–15:00 – Lecture – What is a natural garden? – Věrka Dvořáková (Zahrad u Malíře) 15:00–16:00 – Lecture – A garden that decorates the whole year – Alena Zelenková (Garden at Konipáska) 4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. – Lecture – Connection of utility and ornamental gardens – Ing. Milena Vladyková (Flowers from Kokšín) WORKSHOPS 10:00–17:00 – Children's gardening workshop From a seed in PěstírněDEPO / contribution to materials 50,- 10:00–12:00 – Workshop – Kokedama with Vendula Špačková – Vendula Špačková (Flowers in the Clouds) / 500,- 13:00–14:00 – Workshop – Small moisture-loving terrarium with Vendula Špačková – Vendula Špačková (Flowers in the clouds) / 450,- 15:00–16:00 – Workshop – Peat stick with Vendula Špačková – Vendula Špačková (Flowers in the clouds) / 400,- CHILDREN'S THEATER / NOK 100, children under 3 free 16:00–17:00 – Theater – Adventures of the Bee Bears (Krapet Theater) WORKSHOPS FOR ADULTS container terrace SATURDAY 22.4. / 13:00 - 15:00 / 200,- Flower workshop with Milena Vladyková / Flowers from Kokšín Tying an unconventional natural bouquet from what nature currently has to offer. Come learn, from what can be tied... From an experienced florist, you will learn how to choose plants for a tie, how to cut them, clean them, what are the basic types of ties and how to take care of a bouquet so that it gives you joy for as long as possible. And most importantly, you will take home your own unconventional natural bouquet. SUNDAY 23.4. Maid workshops with Vendula Špačková / Flowers in the clouds Kokedama / 10:00 – 12:00 / 500,- In the workshop, you will learn which plants are suitable for kokedam and which plants to choose according to the lighting conditions of your interior. You will learn how to make a kokedama and what needs to be observed so that the plant will thrive for a long time. The price of the workshop includes: a plant of your choice from several species offered, coconut fiber or moss for wrapping, substrate for kokedama, string and hook for hanging, expert advice Small moisture-loving terrarium / 13:00 – 14:00 / 450,- In the workshop, you will learn which plants are suitable for a moisture-loving terrarium, how to plant such a terrarium and what must be observed during production, for the plants to thrive in the long term. You will take home a self-made terrarium and advice on proper care. The price of the workshop includes: glass terrarium with a cork cap with a volume of approx. 3 l, plants of your choice, substrate, expert advice Peat stick with climbing plant / 15:00 – 16:00 / 400,- A peat stick is a support for climbing plants, made of living or compressed moss. In the workshop, you will learn how to make such a stick, how to maintain it and what plants it is suitable for. You can also plant your manufactured support straight away with the selected plant in a terracotta flower pot. The price of the workshop includes: a plant of your choice from several species offered, peat moss and other components for the production of a stick, a terracotta flower pot with a saucer, a substrate, expert advice. LECTURES - Studio The moderator of the lecture program is Ing. Sheet. Petr Klíma. RNDr. Jindřich Duras, Ph.D. / How we can (not) do it with water What will be discussed: Water is essential for all of us and most of us think we understand that. Maybe yes, but probably not completely. And if we do, we certainly don't act accordingly. At the same time, everyone can contribute to improving the situation of us - and there are plenty of opportunities. About Jindřich: Jindřich Duras completed his studies in hydrobiology and environmental protection at Charles University in 1983. Since then, he has been actively devoted to issues of the life of aquatic organisms, including cyanobacteria, and water quality issues, which also includes solutions to the effects of wastewater and the effects of management on ponds. JD works in the state-owned enterprise Povodí Vltava as a specialist in the field of water quality and also lectures at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice at the Faculty of Fisheries and Water Conservation. In the Plzeň region, the name JD is associated with the project to improve water quality in the Velký Bolevecký pond, in the Hracholusky reservoir and in the České údolí. Ing. Jana Kotoučková / Water in permaculture What will be discussed: Permaculture perceives water in the garden as part of the whole household. It is necessary to consider the water that comes into the house (rain, well) and leaves the house (root cleaner) for subsequent use in the garden. Furthermore, with water retained from buildings and directly used in the garden (watering, pond, drinking fountain). Or with water retained in place (rain beds, ponds). Essential is the connection of water in the house and in the garden, ideally in a closed cycle. About Jane: Graduated gardener, long-time permaculture lecturer, designer of natural and permaculture gardens. The founder and head of the branch association of the Basic Organization of the Czech Association of Nature Protectors - Ekoinfocenter in Jihlava, focused on education and awareness of the public and youth at schools and children in kindergartens, as well as consulting, proposals, subsidies, implementation and certification of natural and permaculture gardens. Ing. Tereza Antošová / Paths of water in the garden What will be discussed: With the changing climate, the distribution of precipitation also changes, sometimes it "pours like from a watering can", other times there are long periods of drought. Pouring drinking water is slowly but surely prohibited (and rightly so). So how to keep the garden fresh? How to get the most out of every raindrop and not let it slide straight into the local sewer? How to design or modify a garden so that it retains as much water as possible even during heavy downpours. About Teresa: A graduate of Garden Design at CZU in Prague, during her studies she worked as a gardener in the English gardens of Sherborne Castle and Houghton Lodge. After school, she spent 3 years as a garden and landscape architect in the English studio LynchRobertson. Today he is dedicated to landscape architecture in the Czech Republic, especially designing private gardens. Among other things, he deals with the popularization of perennials and inspirational gardens on his blog Perenniculum. Ing.Tomáš Čechura / Garden automation or the end of sprinkler watering What will be discussed: I will try to summarize my experience with automatic watering and present the possibilities of how to apply a similar system in your garden. I will not forget to mention the numerous development blind alleys that do not need to be explored. About Tomas: I am dedicated to cybernetics and automation as part of my profession at ZČU. To care I lost my garden by accident 5 years ago and since I travel a lot, I tried to design my own garden so that it would not be an excessive burden and the vegetables would survive my longer absences. I'm experimenting with automatic irrigation and control of other processes in the house and in the garden from heating to monitoring everything possible. Ing. Vladimír Tomeš / Creation of a garden pond What will be discussed: Are you planning a pond for swimming or just for beauty? What should you think about before realizing a garden pond? Is salt or fresh water better? How and in what advance do you have to prepare the land, what technologies to choose and how much time to set aside for implementation? How to keep the pond in good condition and how much maintenance work awaits you each year? Will you need a building permit and how much will it all cost you? About Vladimir: Graduated from the Secondary Fishing School in Vodňany, Faculty of Fisheries and hydrobiology at the MZLU in Brno, as well as many professional seminars in the Czech Republic and the EU, he is also the owner of the company Koipro, which has behind it countless realizations of ponds and lakes intended for swimming, fish farming and just for decoration. Special guest Jolana Teuberová / How does the cut flower market work? About Jolana: Jolana initiated the creation of the Výkvět Platform focused on ecological floristry. As a person who does not grow flowers herself, she has the capacity to support flower farms - to spread awareness, organize educational events, etc.. She studied production at DAMU, devoted herself to projects in public space, cultural and community projects, mainly in Prague. Since October 2022, she lives with her husband and 4 children in the countryside. For friends, it ferments under the brand Ples guts. What will be discussed: What is the situation on the cut flower market in the Czech Republic? What does the global flower industry look like? Does it make sense to grow flowers organically and locally? How water management differs from a global floriculture perspective and what can a sustainable flower farm look like? Questions to which we will try to find an answer within the lecture. DON'T LE Alena Lehmanová / Sprouts and microgreens What will be discussed: You can grow vegetables even if you don't have a garden, balcony or loggia! All you need is a small piece of space and a mason jar or cup from yogurt. On the gardening course "Sprouts and microgreens" you will learn how to do it! You will learn how to properly germinate legumes and seeds, you will get some tips on how to grow year-round in an apartment, and you will taste different types of micro-greens – mini-salads that grow well even on the windowsill and you can harvest them in just a few days. You will be able to have a small micro vegetable garden directly sow on the spot and take it home with you. About Alena: Alena is a gardener and coordinator of Ekozahrady Raková, a vegetable garden that offers employment for people with disabilities and is the first so-called community-supported agriculture in western Bohemia. He has been engaged in urban gardening and growing in an apartment for a long time and home composting. She participated in the establishment of several community gardens in Pilsen, you can recognize her voice from the Czech Radio's Hobby magazine and her face from various seminars on natural gardens, organic farming and the processing of herbs. Klára Hrdá / How to start seed production? What will be discussed: My presentation will focus on the topic of seed production and at the same time introduce the Semínkovna initiative itself, which has a number of branches in and around Pilsen. Seed banks are places where surplus seeds can be freely shared from your gardens, created to support home seeding and natural gardening. They basically function as libraries, and here the seeds are returned after harvesting. About Klara: Eight years ago, she founded a network of seed libraries in the Czech Republic - Semínkoven and fell under the spell of home seed production. Today, there are already more than 230 seedbeds in our country, and the sparks are spreading to other countries as well (Slovakia, newly and Poland). Last year, the initiative reached the semi-finals of the SDGs 2022 awards and managed to obtain a prestigious Challenge Fund grant from UNDP to create a similar network of seed libraries in Moldova. Her vision is a world where everyone can grow their own food from seed to seed, her mission is to teach the Czechs to plant seeds again. She is an enthusiastic lover of plants and a mother of three children. Jan Papež / Fruit trees - About proper care or what to cut What will be discussed: Strictly and clearly about the principle of tree growth and the context of their development. How to raise a tree from the beginning to the care of old trees. You will find out and what to avoid, where mistakes are often made. At the end, he will reveal the secret influence of rootstocks on growth. In short, an understandable and practical guide for your trees, not just fruit trees. About Jan: gardener and landscaper from the Czech Academy of Horticulture in Mělník, lecturer of professional courses for the public and owner of the family business ZAHRADY S DUŠÍ, which deals with the design and creation of gardens. He lives with his wife, an artist Jarka and his son in Klatovsk. Věrka Dvořáková / What is a natural garden? What will be discussed: What must a garden fulfill in order to be natural and why? What are wild bushes good for and why suffer "intrusive" insects in the garden? How to retain water and what is a rain garden? Is it possible to prepare the garden for the upcoming climate changes? How many exemplary natural gardens does the Pilsen region actually have, and why should municipal representatives think differently about public space? About Verce: The president of the Barevná krajina association, z.s., will try to answer not only these questions. , which ensures the certification of natural gardens, education and consulting for the Pilsen region. Věrka is the owner of the first exemplary natural garden in the Pilsen Region. As part of its Garden at the Painter, it organizes guided tours, events, lectures, workshops and programs for children with an environmental theme. He is focusing on his second garden for the cultivation of aromatic plants, which he processes in various ways. There is a seasonal shop in Zahrada u malíře selling herbal products, decorations and surplus seeds, seedlings and sprouts. With his herbal stand and herbal creation, he also attends some events for the public. In the market place, it will be possible to buy products from her gardens on both weekend days, and at the same time take advantage of advice on natural gardens, certification and general care of them. Alena Zelenková / A garden that decorates all year round What will be discussed: Which plants will ensure that the garden blooms without a break? How do natural floors work and why should we not forget about inanimate elements? Come and get practical tips that you can use in your garden. About Alena: Owner of two exemplary nature gardens U konipáska in Ježovy near Švihov and the First Republic Garden in Janovice nad Úhlavou. She began to share her experiences and experiences with building gardens on the Facebook profile, then also on the separate websites of both gardens. Ing. Milena Vladyková / Connection of utility and ornamental gardens What will be discussed: The lecture approaches the issue of connecting an ornamental garden with a useful one, addresses the aesthetic side of the garden, its compositional solution and its elementary meaning. The content of the lecture also includes the procedure for establishing a garden, its logical and functional arrangement, the use of herbs and edible plants, the separation and composition of individual beds. About Milena: Owner of a family flower shop in Spálené Poříčí near Pilsen, garden architect and florist who received her education at the Mendel University in Brno. She likes challenges and her work is continuously recognized in various projects and competitions. Within the marketplace, it will be possible to purchase both weekend days at the Kytek stand from Kokšín, products from her flower shop – spring decorations, Czech seedlings of herbs and perennials, on Saturday, Milena will also guide those interested in a flower workshop.
- DEPOvLETU 2022 | DEPO2015
DEPO2015 je živým prostorem, kde se propojuje kultura s byznysem. Vzniklo v roce 2015 a od té doby jeho prostory hostí festivaly, výstavy, prezentace, srazy, workshopy a mnoho dalšího. Také zde najdete úžasnou kavárnu. Zajímá vás program? DEPOvLET 2022 For the last ten days of July, the courtyard of the cultural and creative zone DEPO2015 belonged to the music festival DEPOvLET. The third year brought several novelties. This time, the program presented Czech bands and projects that were awarded not only here, but also abroad. The audience could, for example, watch the duo Kalle, Ochepovsky & ILÆY trio or The Valentines shortlisted for the Eurovision Song Contest. The stage also belonged to four up-and-coming bands who went through the DEPOvLET Artist Academy professional training seminar in June. There was also the traditional Stand Up Comedy on a stand, a swing dance hall and, newly, an evening bar with a grill from the Ústředna DEPO café and bistro. DEPOvLET started on July 20Stand up Comedy . She visited Pilsen after a long timeEster Kočičková , which they secondedDominik Herman Lev andPeter Otter . The following days, the evening program was mainly filled with concerts. These were tuned more alternatively this time. CourtyardDEPO2015 came to life with the energetic music of the sought-after producerIgor Ochepovsky or live electronicsduo Brothers , who represented the country at many prestigious foreign shows. We were also visited by the nominees of the European music competitionEurovision Song Contest The Valentines , praised by music columnists as alternativeCall together withtalent competition winners Karlovy Vary Region The Sidewaves and travelers modernrock psychedelics Acid Row andLambda . This year's choice of performers tried to be more accepting of the spirit of the spaceDEPO2015 , where the concerts take place, and at the same time it was a pleasant alternative to the more commercial performances that will take place in the summer in Pilsen as part of other events and concerts. The opportunity to perform on stage thanks to attending the first year of the workshop for budding musiciansArtist Academy DEPOSIT provided by four starting bands. ProjectsGame nature andThe Amsterdam Hamster then it belonged to the evening of July 21, the 27th they came outNevergreen andDecode. She added variety to the concert marathon on July 26swing dance club . Music for dancing and listening was provided by live performersswing band. DEPOvLET was also spiced upgastronomy. He was waiting for visitorsbartender's selection of cocktails and eveningbar with grill fromcafes and bistros Central DEPO. MORE PHOTOS HERE 20 - 30 July 2022 PRESSLOVA 14, PLZEN DEPO2015 Creative Zone VSTU PNE 0 – 280,- PROGRAM 2022 20. 7. | 20:00 | On the stand: Ester Kočičková, Dominik Heřman Lev and Petr Vydra | Stand Up Comedy 21. 7. | 20:00 | Her nature + The Amsterdam Hamster | DEPOvLET concert Artist Academy winners 22.7. | 20:00 | Kalle + The Sidewaves | Concert 23.7. | 20:30 | Brothers | Concert 26. 7. | 20:00 | Nevergreen + Decode | Concert DEPOvLET Artist Academy winners 27. 7. | 18:00 | Swing dance studio | Dance hall with live and reproduced music 28. 7. | 21:00 | Ochepovsky & ILÆY trio | Concert 29. 7. | 20:00 | Acid Row + Lambda | Concert 30. 7. | 21:00 | The Valentines | Concert OTHER YEARS: Tlačítko DEPOvLETU 2024 Tlačítko DEPOvLETU 2023 Tlačítko DEPOvLETU 2021 Tlačítko DEPOvLETU 2020
DEPO STREET FOOD MARKET The Food Festival is held several times a year in the premises of former transport companies! Lovers of good food always have a varied tasting of food, known from street snacks from all over the world. There is also international and Czech cuisine, sweet treats, meat delicacies and vegetarian food. Lovers of good wine and beer will enjoy themselves, aromatic coffee is served, as well as hot or cold ciders, homemade lemonades and other drinks depending on the season. The nearest DEPO STREET FOOD MARKET awaits us on Saturday 15 March 2025. Practical info Variants: Vegetarian Gluten free Alcoholic/Non-alcoholic Parking: Free parking in the DEPO2015 area For kids: Sandpit with toys and climbing frames VÍCE FOTOGRAFIÍ ZDE 15/03/2025 10:00 - 18:00 PRESSLOVA 14, PLZEN DEPO2015 Creative Zone FREE ENTRY Do you want to come to our festival with your food truck? Let us know: Ladislava Matoušková + 420 725 886 432 WHAT YOU CAN LOOK FORWARD TO ON 9/28 WE WILL ANNOUNCE SOON BEER WINE AMERICAN CUISINE ASIAN CUISINE EUROPEAN CUISINE SWEETS AND DESSERTS OTHER