The "Hidden City" project was created as part of the European Capital of Culture 2015. At the beginning, the idea was to give the residents of Pilsen and their guests a tool that would guide them through the unknown corners of Pilsen, introduce them to forgotten stories and show the city from an unexpected perspective. In 2016, the association Skrytá Plzeň was founded, which continues to organize neighborhood walks.
The work on the guide led to meetings with a number of people, witnesses, active residents and archives, and the Hidden City thus became one of the projects that most involved the residents of Pilsen in cooperation. One of the main outputs of the project is the printed publication Guide to the Hidden Pilsen, the digital version of which can be downloaded HERE.
The Pilsen family photo album exhibition, or a program of commented walks around the city led by witnesses, anthropologists and the city's inhabitants, also helped to discover the hidden identity of Pilsen. Neighborhood walks usually operate from May to October and present both the history and the present of the places that the average tourist does not have the chance to visit. The walk catalog is located HERE. If you are interested in organizing some of the walks, do not hesitate to contact us through the contacts below.
Part of the Hidden City project was also the successful participatory project "Pilsen family photo album", in which several hundred citizens of Pilsen participated, from whom we managed to collect about 3,000 photos, which were digitized and a selection exhibited at 2 exhibitions in DEPO2015. The digital footprint of this project, including a photo gallery, is located HERE.